Navia 24K Gold Bleach Creme (28gm)

Rs 75
Rs 75
Navia creme Bleach lightens excessive dark hair on face, arms and body makes you fairer,...
Vendor: Navia
SKU: Navia_24kBleachCream

Navia creme Bleach lightens excessive dark hair on face, arms and body makes you fairer, keeps you beautiful. It gently bleaches unwanted hair from the face and body, blending the hair completely with the your skin shade. The result radiant skin that glows to as much as 2 to 3 shades fairer. Its Deep penetrating action prevents the embarrassing problem of unbleached hair showing on the skin. It also helps to remove Sun Tan. Unlike ordinary bleaches NAVIA Cr??me Bleach does not have the strong pungent odour of ammonia.

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