Hijama set cup, window, therapy set for dry and moist. The hijama and its benefits. The benefits of the hijama are versatile, it can be named to cleanses the arteries and veins and stimulates blood circulation, in fact several diseases are caused by the unsupply of a pure and fresh blood to the body. Cleans lymphatic veins and releases toxins caused by medication. Regenerates vital energy of the body. Rebalances hormone levels. Revitalises the brain Neuro system, glands, organs Lowers sugar levels and blood pressure Lowers pain and in some cases eliminate pain. Extract witchcraft in the bodies and the poisons produced. Hijama with blood extraction. There are several types of hijama, the most known is the one with the extraction of blood by the glasses with suction cups that demonstrate its therapeutic effects on multiple diseases, the bad blood that comes out from this practice contains deformed red cells, toxins and poisons as the body. is unable to extract alone. There are specific places where it is easier to extract bad blood resulting in purification of it as well as the regeneration of pure and new blood to the organs of the body. As a result, the body regains its balance and sees its immune system improved. Practice is simple, the Hajjém makes small superficial incisions on the skin, then it applies the suction cups that will allow the extraction of bad blood. The places of the hijama. There are several places where you can do the hijama.